
Specifications of the specialized version of the DD-API for ecology

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Implementations and Demo environments

Current implementations of v2

Organization Provider Version Remarks
EcoSys AquaDesk (EcoSys) v2.0 In production. Supplies biological, chemical and physical data. Is source of the TWN list/TaxaInfo.
Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) Wageningen Marine Research v2.0 Work in Progress. Provides fish data. Specific for RWS.
Stichting Vogelonderzoek (SOVON) AquaDesk (EcoSys) v2.0 Work in Progress. Provides bird data. Specific for RWS.

Demonstration environments


Url: https://ddecoapi.aquadesk.nl

Schema: https://ddecoapi.aquadesk.nl/swagger/v2/swagger.json

Security: parts are protected by API Keys (X-API-KEY in header).

Demo key: oZlevFrMkwMMbn0mHQJe2bHFjaQugbtzQmShi3imijU


All data, except for organization-specific data is open and free. Organization data (measurements, measurement objects, notes, methods, monitoring networks) are protected by API keys, which can be obtained by contacting the organizations that own the data. The demo key above gives access to fictive data of the EcoSys organization. This data will be expanded with subsets of real data contributed by the other organizations.

The DD-ECO-API implementation of AquaDesk is the official source of the TWN List (Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland) and is included in the /v2/parameters endpoint. Use filter=parametertype:eq:’TAXON’ to get all TWN list entries.